Return Path is excited to be a sponsor of this years Email Evolution Conference. Join us February 2-4 in Miami for the latest insight into how email marketing has evolved and tips on how to improve your email strategy. If you have not signed up yet, register here and use our special discount code RPATH for 25% off either the Full or Main conference registration rates.
While at the conference stop by the Return Path booth to register your company for the first Battle of the Brands Contest of 2015. The Inbox is a Battlefield and our Battle of the Brands 2015 competitions will kick off the year at the Email Evolution Conference. Playing is easy – we compare the delete unopened rate of each competitors last campaign using Inbox Insight – and winning is even better! The first place winner will win a Mini iPad, second place wins a $100 Visa Gift card and the third place winner will receive a $50 Visa Gift card. Previous winners have included Amazon, Nike, College Board, Expedia, Flagstar, and Barnes & Noble College. Follow the battle live as the leaderboard shows the competition heating up or on twitter with the hashtag #RPBB! Mark your calendar for the start of the battle on Monday, February 2nd at 5:00 pm (EST) to see who captures the prizes and wins the 1st Battle of the Brands of 2015.
The conference will end on a high note with the Closing Keynote Luncheon co-hosted by Return Path’s Chief Privacy Security Officer, Dennis Dayman and Axicoms VP, digital impact strategic services, Ryan Phelan. They will be hosting a panel discussion on ISP’s and Deliverability ‘Mythbusters: Deliverability vs Engagement”. Join us in Miami for this great event.